Ashton Garden north hosted Greisy and Miguel’s wedding on October 3rd, 2021. This day was beautiful since it was in the middle of fall and the weather was just marvelous. We were blessed with sunny skies and plenty of cool weather to make it work… well all Texans know what that means right! Haha. Ashton Gardens North, is located about thirty minutes north of Houston, in a well secluded area. Furthermore, you have to drive through a street covered in trees and then you’re greeted with the beautiful venue.
Arriving at Ashton Garden north, Ariana Giselle events had everything under control. Furthermore, we knew we needed to start on all of Greisy’s details, and to our surprise, the maid of honor had it all ready for us to photograph. All the details were captured while she was getting her makeup done; for this reason, we jumped in from time to time to capture candid moments of her interacting with her bridal party. Running a bit behind, we knew we had to make each minute count, so we switched over to Miguel and his groomsmen. This group of men were extremely genuine, and I can see why Miguel chose them as his groomsmen. To put it differently, these guys were all about Miguel having a great time and making sure he had everything ready to go. Let me tell you, not everyone has the same manors.
The ceremony turned out to be amazing as everyone prayed for Greisy and Miguel. Not to mention, the ceremony did not last long. Anyhow, we knew we needed to get some epic shots of them and their wedding party right in front of the chapel – this is one of the most photogenic spots of the venue! As a result, we ended up getting some amazing shots of the wedding party and portraits of Greisy and Miguel. The reception was nothing less than spectacular, from having ice cream and doughnuts, to the toast, cake and dancing. This wedding was epic in so many ways that it has become a favorite of ours, so please check out some other favorites here.
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